“Prakash” is a residential school for the mentally challenged children managed by the Gujarat Kelavani Trust. The Trust was established on 1st June 1979 by Former Chief Minister of Gujarat Late respected Shri Chimanbhai Patel. This institution was established with a sole purpose to providing education and Training to the mentally challenged children of the city and remotest village of different state. The main purpose and mission of the organization is to concentrate on the main purpose and mission of the organization is to concentrate on the overall development of the mentally divyang children to rehabilitate then and make them independent.
“Prakash” has been facilitated and awarded by the government of Gujarat as the best organization for the development of disable children over the past 35 years of existence. “Prakash” has provided training to more than 2000 children over 100 children provided training any pointing. “Prakash” as the name suggests beings light into lives of these children.